Advice from Canpol's experienced mothers.

Games for children aged 0 to 3 months: fun all day long

You can have fun with a baby aged 0 to 3 months all day long. Playing isn't any more tedious than doing the daily chores connected to babycare, feeding, etc. You can simply try to make them more interesting and bond with your son your daughter while doing them.

First conversations

When your baby opens his eyes in the morning, welcome him with a hug and words. Extend this to every single chore you do - tell your baby what you're doing, what you're thinking, etc. The more you speak to your baby, the faster he'll develop the ability to coo. The next logical step will be to answer him in his funny language. From time to time, try to imitate the sounds he makes, and then go back to telling him about the past day. Even when you start feeding him, you can continue talking. As you learn to breastfeed with ease, you can start rocking him gently while he's suckling. I also hummed a melody or sang a song, or a rhyme while doing it. This game will help you build a closer connection with your child. You can do the same with nappy changing. Turn duties into fun!

Time for exercise!

Like adults, our children also need exercise, but the difference is that our babies can't do it without out help. I recommend trying the popular "bicycle" exercise: lay your baby on his back and move his legs as if he was riding a bicycle. Make very gentle and careful moves, and remember not to force any movements. You can also pedal his legs into the rhythm of a favourite tune, which we hum during other shared activities. My child just loves such exercises!

First toys

t's time for the baby's first toys! What kind of toys will he like best? When buying toys, it's best to pay attention to their effect on the senses of touch, hearing and sight. The sense of sight is stimulated by: a mobile hanging above the cot, pictures with patterns, balloons in various bright colours. If we add movement (like with the mobile), the child will follow the toy with his eyes. If you want to stimulate his sense of hearing, try to talk, sing, hum and recite constantly, whenever you're doing something with the baby. If you run out of ideas, buy a book with short rhymes that can be repeated many times and in many different ways. You can also buy musical toys, that make a sound when pressed. In the beginning, you will have to press the ball or other object yourself, but later on your baby will learn to grab things. Musical instruments also stimulate hearing. I chose a rattle. Remember about the baby's safety and only choose toys that are properly made, soft and smooth. Make sure that they don't contain small elements that could be swallowed by the baby.

Stimulating the sense of touch

here are toys that stimulate more than one sense - e.g. balls (sense of touch and hearing). Playmat is a perfect example of a toy which combines many attractions. The elements of a mat are colourful, they can shine or make sounds, and the structure of the mat is diversified. You should choose toys which have a distinctive colour, shape, size or texture. It's also important to check that the toy has been made of safe, attested, materials. It's not difficult and a variety of toys will make the shared time with your baby even more fun.

Water games

The day is coming to an end, but it doesn't mean the end of fun. Every activity such as touching or stroking gives your baby the feeling of safety. Like I mentioned earlier, it's good to talk and sing to your baby all the time. Sounds made by water can also be interesting for the baby. By playing with him, we stimulate his development. It's a good time to begin putting your baby to sleep while you're both still in such a happy mood.


Mum of 1 year old Blanka, 4 years of professional experience

Karolina Taranko

Creativity Psychopedagogue
- consulting

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